Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Photography Night

Our latest activity at Rangers was a photography night, and we were lucky to also have some of the Guides visiting us.   The evening was run for us by the very wonderful Heather, a keen (and very good!) amateur photographer who came along to give us some tips and tricks about how to take better photographs.
She showed us all her kit and explained what it did, told us all about “photographing in thirds”, gaves us tips on how to make our photos more interesting, and set us various tasks to go off and take photos of things.  We all had great fun running around trying to take the best photos that we could of all the random things we could find  and then we looked through some of the results that we’d come up with!  Hopefully we’ll post some of them up here soon.
It was a great evening, and the only downside was that it was still a little bit early to have the light for a really long time in the evening, so we weren’t able to take many pictures outside.  Maybe in one of the summer meetings we can have another go?

Thank you Heather for all your advice and for giving us a great evening!

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Picking and Packing at One Can Trust

As part of the additional part of our promise, to be of service in the community, we have been helping the One Can Trust food bank, which helps feed people in the High Wycombe area.  We have organised a food collection within the district, had one of their volunteers into speak to us, and in March we went to the food bank itself to help sort donations and pack parcels.  
When food gets donated to One Can Trust, it needs to be checked to see if it’s still in date, put into the “packing area” if expires in the next year or so or is a particularly needed item (often things like tinned potatoes, carrots, tinned ham and beef and hot pudding), or put into the “long term” storage area where items that the foodbank has lots of (e.g. rice, after a kind donation of a whole pallet of rice) are stored.   This can be a quick task or a long one if lots have donations have come in since the last sort was done. 

Once the donations were sorted, it was time to start packing parcels for people.  The foodbank pack parcels in advance, so that they have them ready to be delivered when a request for help comes in.  They have various types of parcels that they pack, for single people, single parents with children, families, etc.  There are lists to follow to know what to put in each bag, and all the food is in separated crates so it’s easy to access.  

It’s obviously quite hard work doing the sorting and the packing, because as soon as you are carrying more than a couple of cans,  things become quite heavy, but it was great fun to help with, and nice to know that we were really being of service in our community!
If you want to find out more about the great work that One Can does, check out their website,

Sunday, 22 April 2012

HIgh Wycombe Gang Show

On March 29th, we went to see the first night performance of the High Wycombe Scout and Guide Gang Show.  A Gang Show is a theatrical performance involving members of Scouting and Guiding of all ages.  The Princes Risborough Ranger leaders used to *be* in the Gang Show, once upon a (very) long ago!) time,  but the Rangers were all newcomers to it.  We were in the very top row of the theatre, which was a bit vertigo inducing, but we soon settled in to our seats and sat back for the show. 

We were treated to a whole variety of numbers, including a wonderful version of Take That’s “Hold Up A Light” as the opening number, some amusing sketches, a wedding themed number and a pirate themed one, a great rock and roll “hop” medley, complete with twirly rock and roll skirts.  The whole show was finished off with a medley of songs from the show, ending with “Crest of a Wave”, the traditional Gang Show songs, complete with the High Wycombe Gang Show moves to it, which the PR Ranger Leaders performed with gusto, thoroughly embarrassing the Rangers!
Well done to all the cast, it was a great achievement and a really enjoyable show!